Your Opinion of Who Christ Is

John 1:44-45

Nazareth was despised by the Jews because a Roman battalion was located there. And some thought that Nazareth had been overtaken by these Roman officials because of the people’s lack of morals and or lack of religious obedience.

So when Nathaniel heard that the Messiah was from Nazareth he was surprised. But Philip told Nathaniel, come and see for yourself before you decide or make false assumptions.

Fortunately for Nathaniel, he went to see for himself and he became a disciple of Jesus. If he had stuck to his prejudice without investigating any further, he would have missed the Messiah!

Don’t let other people’s influence cloud your opinion of who Christ is. Come and see for yourself.

Jesus revealed in verse 47 that He knew Nathaniel before they ever met and it is the same for you and me.

Jesus knows us before we ever come to know Him. But the good news is that because of His power and love, He offers us a new way of life. A life of His grace and mercy is ours the minute we, like Nathaniel, believe.

The question is, do you believe or are you still doubting?

In verse 51, Jesus referred to a unique dream that Jacob recorded in Genesis 28:12. And as the unique God-man, Jesus was saying that He would be the ladder between heaven and earth. He would make a way for us to be in the presence of the Father. Jesus filled the gap that our sin caused between us and the Father. That is why the scriptures often tells us that the way to the Father is through the Son.

We can see from these few verses that God used these men to invite others to know Jesus. This is the way God works, you know.

God’s people are to point others to Jesus and invite them to know Him for themselves.

Who was the first person who told you about Jesus? Was it a family member? A neighbor? Maybe a co-worker? Won’t you take a moment and thank God for sending that person? For equipping them with the boldness and obedient heart to do that which He desired?

And then won’t you turn and do the same for someone else?

We live in a hurting world and there is someone who needs to hear about Jesus now!

Won’t you take what you have heard and show them the way to Jesus through His word?

Scripture tells us that every time one confesses Jesus as Lord and Savior, the angels in heaven rejoice! We have the privilege of fulfilling God’s commission and spreading the good news of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

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Terri Hamman

Faith & Fitness Coach


Jesus Changes Water Into Wine


Lessons from John 1: John the Baptist Points to Jesus