Jesus Changes Water Into Wine
Jesus Changes Water Into Wine
Let me ask you, what situation or dilemma in your life has you troubled or concerned? Where are you looking for answers? From whom have you sought wisdom, help, or guidance?
We all have people we go to when things seem out of our control. Yet there is One who knows us better than we know ourselves. One who knew you before the foundation of the earth. One who knew you before you were ever conceived. And One who knows everything about your life–past, present and future!
He knows and sees it all! Nothing is hidden from Him. In fact, everything is laid out in plain sight before His eyes. The good news is that He is the one who has the power and authority to transform your situation or dilemma and purify you in the process.
Nothing is too difficult or impossible for Him.
That person is Jesus Christ.
In our next few lessons, you will learn that Jesus has the power and authority over your life and mine, including our present circumstances.
John 2 is divided into two main sections. The first is Jesus changing the water into wine (John 2:1-11) and the second is Jesus cleansing the Temple for worship (John 2:12-25).
When we last left off, Jesus had called John, Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Nathaniel to follow Him. They first followed Jesus from Galilee to the town of Cana where they all attended this Jewish wedding.
Jewish Weddings
Weddings in Jesus’s day were quite different than today’s 20 minute ceremony or the quick trips to Las Vegas or the standing before the local justice of the peace. The Jewish wedding celebration lasted for about a week. Banquets would be prepared for the many guests as people gathered around the bride and groom, celebrating their new life together.
The couple did not rush off on their honeymoon like today. Rather, they stayed and opened up their new home to family and friends as they established this new time in their lives.
Often the whole town was invited and it was considered an insult to refuse an invitation to a wedding.
Now, many of you who have planned or coordinated an event like this know the careful planning that goes into accommodating all who are invited to come. And it is the intent of every host to make each guest feel welcome and cared for.
It appears that Mary (the mother of Jesus), who is listed first, is the reason they were all there in the first place. So we might presume that this was a close family member or friend. We might also presume that Mary was working behind the scenes to make sure that everything was taken care of and that all the needs were being met.
No More Wine
Then verse 3 tells us that the wine had run out.
Now you and I can relate to the feeling of anxiety or concern that Mary must have been feeling at that moment. Especially since every host does everything in their power not to run out of food or drinks. I know when I host an event I labor long and diligently, trying to guesstimate how much is needed so that I don’t run out and also don’t overdo it!
So this was a concern for hospitality and a potential embarrassment for the family and its members. It was also an unwritten crime for which the family could be fined! To run out of wine would be costly both financially and socially.
It appears that at this time in history, the drinks of choice were either water or wine. They didn’t have options like we have today. And wine was the expected beverage in the celebration of a wedding. Wine was also a symbol of joy.
Mary knew exactly who she could go to and who could help the family in this desperate situation. And that person was Jesus.
And so Mary told Jesus,“They have no more wine.” Jesus was the oldest child and since Joseph is not mentioned we can presume that Jesus’s earthly father had died prior to this time. Like most mothers, Mary had probably come to depend on Jesus as the go-to person, or the man of the house.
I don’t believe that Mary necessarily expected a miracle here, but I do believe she trusted Jesus to do what was right in order to spare the family and their reputation. She also trusted him to aid in helping the people continue their celebration without interruption or public humiliation.
Terri Hamman
Faith & Fitness Coach