Lessons From the Life of Moses: Attention on God

In part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4 of the lessons from the life of Moses series we learned about the blessings from God through Moses and his teachings. Continuing in the blessings of Moses to the tribes of Israel, Moses, next blessed the tribes of Zebulan, Gad, Dan and Asher. But I am going to let you finish reading Deuteronomy chapter 33 on your own to hear about them.

Now you might ask, Terri, why did you take so much time to review each of these blessings?

Attention on God

Remember that Moses was preparing the people to carry on in his absence. He wanted them to remember the greatness of God and God’s promises to them, so that, they would not forget Him. If they obeyed the Lord, they would be blessed. If they disobeyed they would be removed from the land.

And so, Moses last words to the people, just like when he opened, was for the purpose of focusing their attention on God.

Deuteronomy 33:26 because there is no one like the God of Jeshurun. No one who rides the heavens to help His people and reveals Himself as Majesty! He is King over all. For He alone is the eternal God and in Him and Him alone is where His people find refuge from the storms of life, safe and secure from all alarms, held in His everlasting arms. For it is He who will drive out our enemies and destroy them, giving us this picture of God as our defender!

In verse 28 God says, through Moses, “So Israel will live in safety alone;” Jacob’s people are secure in God’s care and then finally Moses closes by saying, “Who is blessed like you! Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord?” He is your shield, your helper and your glorious sword. Your enemies will cower before you, and you will trample down their high places.”

Moses understood that the only things that will stand the test of time are God, His Words and God’s people! And Moses gave God, God’s Word and God’s people, his all and all!

Leaving us to learn that, The greatest legacy believers can leave behind for others is a love for God, a love for His Word and a love for His people!

So let me ask you, What are you doing to help others love God, and know His word?

We all have role to play in the kingdom of God! The question is, are you doing your part?

And aren’t you thankful for those people in your life, who like Moses give their all in all so that you and others might know God and love and obey His word!

People like your Pastors, their church staff, Sunday school teachers, or maybe even a stranger or a neighbor down the street who has also faithfully sacrificed much and given their all in all that you might glean from God’s Word and learn to love, obey and serve Him above all else!

Is there someone like that you could thank today for leading you to the cross of Christ, or someone who has helped you to grow and mature in your Christian walk and knowledge of who God is?

Why not stop right now and lift up a prayer of thanks to God for them and their influence. Perhaps you might even send them a text or a card to express your thanks as well. Words are powerful, and you never know what that gratitude could mean for them.

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Terri Hamman

Faith & Fitness Coach


Lessons From the Life of Moses: Legacy of Faith and Trust


Lessons From the Life of Moses: The Tribe of Joseph