Lessons From the Life of Moses: Legacy of Faith and Trust
Moses not only honored God in the way that he lived, but also in the way that he died. When Moses died he left a legacy of faith and trust.
Thank you for joining me for the final post in the Lessons from the Life of Moses series. If you haven’t had a chance please join me in studying part 1, part, 2, part 3, part 4, and part 5 in this series.
Moses Dies Leaving a Lasting Legacy of Faith and Trust
Deuteronomy 34
With his last words spoken, the last blessing given, Moses turns and makes his way up Mt. Nebo just as the Lord commanded.
And at 120 years of age the Scripture tells us that Moses was still able to see and to speak and was in the right presence of mind. He was still able to hear and obey the command of God to meet Him on top of the Mountain and he was still able to walk and not only walk, but He was able to climb the mountain, with strength!
God had sustained Moses and enabled him to live a long and healthy life. Yet the time had come, as it will for all of us, to look to where his true citizenship was, and that my friends is with the Lord, His God in a place called heaven!
And though we are not told much about it, we do know that it is the place where our God, our Lord and Savior resides. Heaven is the place in which God intercedes on our behalf. Heaven is the place where those who are in the Lord and have passed away reside today. And heaven is the place that we as Christians look forward to spending our eternity with our Creator and Lord.
Paul says, in Philippians 3:20, “Our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who by the power that enables Him to bring everything under His control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like His glorious body. Therefore, my brothers (or sisters) you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown that is how you should stand firm in the Lord, dear friends!”
I like to say that Jesus is our “green card,” for though we don’t belong, we are not natural born citizens, His life, death and resurrection and belief that He is who He says He is, gives us entrance into the most glorious, holy and eternal existence we will ever know!
Are you ready?
We do not know the time or the hour of our departure, but like Moses might we live every day as if it were our last!
As Moses climbed to the top of Mt. Nebo, God gave Moses a supernatural view of the Promised Land. Not in part, but the Scripture says in Deuteronomy 34:1 that Moses saw the whole land!
Though the privilege of setting foot on the land had been revoked due to Moses’ and Aaron’s sin, God allowed Moses to see the land before he died. Yet much later, in the New Testament, on the day of Jesus transfiguration, we read that Moses appeared there along with Elijah to Peter, James and John!
And so there on that mountain (which was an ancient symbol of being as close to God as one could get) Moses passed from this life into eternity, where he resides today with His Lord and Master!
What a great example Moses is to us of how to live a transformed life!
We too are called to live a transformed life through the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, leaving a lasting legacy for all who know them!
Only God knows how many tomorrow’s you and I have left. Are you dedicated and devoted to live each day for, through and in Him?
If not won’t you stop living your life your way, and seek God’s direction and plan for the days you have left.
Be determined to gain a reputation of godliness, like Moses, a life that brings praise to our majestic and marvelous God. Be remembered as one who loved and served him with all you heart, with all your mind all your soul and all your strength.
In Deuteronomy 34:6 it’s interesting that after Moses died it appears that the Lord may have buried Moses, Himself. For to this day no one knows where Moses was laid to rest.
The Israelites grieved over Moses death for 30 days until it was time to get up and move on and though Moses would not be with them the Lord God would. The Most High God would enable Joshua to lead these people into the Promised Land of Canaan and claim victory over the land and its people.
This was a huge spiritual and physical victory!. The God of Israel again proved Himself faithful! He always did and He always will!
After studying Moses it is hard to escape the fact that he was a man of great faith. The writer of the Chronicles referred to Moses as “the man of God” (I Chronicles 2:3-4)
Moses was also a man of prayer. We read over and over again how Moses fell prostrate before the Lord in humble recognition that alone Moses could do nothing. But with God, Moses knew that anything was possible. Was it not God who had enabled Moses get over his fear and anxiety of speaking to and before the people. Remember when Moses was first called by God, he lacked the confidence to do that which God was calling him to do and he objected to God’s call claiming that he was not eloquent of speech. Yet God promised Moses that He, Himself would teach Moses what to say. And though Moses had been afraid, God had helped him overcome his greatest fears. And when these Israelite people rebelled against the Lord and Moses leadership, Moses continually turned to God for His help and sustaining grace. And God supplied his every need. What a comfort to know that God’s grace is all sufficient.
How have you learned to trust God more through His Word? What hardships have you faced? How has God helped you to overcome your difficulties? How is it that you have learned to trust and obey God in your weakness? And how have you seen God provide for you in your difficulties and trials and helped you overcome your greatest fears?
Won’t you share with me in the comments the goodness and greatness of our Lord! Let’s aim to lift His name on high and praise Him for all He has done in and through our lives!
Terri Hamman
Faith & Fitness Coach