Place Your Trust in Jesus
Who betrayed their trust in Jesus? In 1 Corinthians 11:23-25 we are told that on the night Jesus was betrayed He met with His disciples and they all participated in what we now call the Lord’s Supper.
There, Jesus raised His cup and said, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes again.
Jesus was indeed doing a new work. The need for the old covenant of sacrifice would be abolished as Jesus would become the one and only sufficient sacrifice for all time and all people. It was at the cross that Jesus Christ became the ultimate sacrifice once and for all! The Son of God, Jesus Christ, fully God and yet fully man sacrificed His life on the cross to save lost sinners like you and me.
And it is interesting that the first miracle Moses performed by the hand of God was a plague in which the water was turned into blood (Exodus 7:19) which spoke of judgment. That is in contrast here to the first miracle Jesus performed which revealed His grace and His sovereign power and control over all of life’s situations and circumstances.
Which leads us to this truth to live by: Jesus has the power to change our current situations and concerns.
Jesus has the power and authority over all of life’s situations and circumstances.
What situation or circumstance in your life do you need to turn over to Him right now? Won’t you follow Mary’s example and seek Him in prayer? Will you ask Him to do what is right in your present situation or difficulty and then trust Him to do whatever He pleases?
You can do this, knowing that He will do what is right for both His glory and your and others’ good. Jesus waits for us to invite Him in and then we, like Mary, need to trust Him and get out of the way so He can do that which pleases Him on our behalf.
Jesus was revealing that He alone had the power and authority over the situations and circumstances of everyday life. And the same remains true today.
He not only has the power to change water into wine but He also has the power to transform the situations and circumstances in your life, no matter how bad or difficult they may seem, into something beautiful and glorifying to His name.
Don’t believe me? Just ask Him; let him prove Himself. He never fails. Our God is mighty to save and sovereign over all things and people. Especially those who would seek to undo us.
God is unlimited in power, authority, and influence. He does all that He desires and intends to. He is omnipotent (all powerful) and therefore nothing can stop Him. Evil and death will not win.
God has promised a day when He will raise all His children to life, a life that will not end, and God has the power to keep His promise. Without God’s power, everything would fall apart. Yet instead, He holds all things together, even that which is hard in your life right now.
The question is, will you, like Mary and many others before and after her, place your trust in Him?
Terri Hamman
Faith & Fitness Coach