Life-Transforming Relationship
I think we all know that it takes a lot of hard work and effort to build an intimate and life-transforming relationship with those we love. Don’t we?
And we also know that it takes time and communication.
It takes time to get to know what someone likes and what they don’t like, what makes them happy or brings them joy. And you take the time because you want to build a relationship that is lasting.
So let me ask you, what choices do you have to make today in order to make your relationship with God a priority?
Remember it will take some time, but are you willing to carve out the time to spend getting to know Him better?
Will you make your time alone with God and the study of His Word your priority?
There are a lot of people and things pulling for our time. And people and things will inevitably try to intrude on your quiet time, or on your Bible study time. But you don’t have to give in to them.
Make a regular date time with God. He will be there every time, watching and waiting. The question is, will you be there, ready to listen and learn what He has for you?
You may have to give up something that is pleasurable. Giving up something good for God is what’s best.
I know your lives are busy; so is mine. But where is it that you will carve out 20-30 minutes a day to read the scriptures and study?
You might begin with a simple prayer like: “Dear God, help me see what it is that I am looking for. Help me glean from your truths and begin to live them out in my own life.”
How has your relationship with Christ become a life-transforming relationship?
Terri Hamman
Faith & Fitness Coach