Lessons from Matthew 9: Power
Jesus’ power produces faith
The next character we meet is a leader and a father. Mark and Luke tell us the man’s name was Jairus and it appears that Jairus was a synagogue official. At the time the man went to Jesus, his daughter was very sick but had not yet died.
While Jesus was speaking, some men came and announced Jairus’s daughter’s death and they told Jairus not to bother the teacher anymore. But like the faith of the Centurion, this man believed that Jesus had the power to resurrect his little girl’s life.
Like Jairus, many people turn to Christ out of desperation, which may not be the best motive. But when we truly believe that Jesus is all sufficient and we come to Him in belief and confession of faith, He will not turn us away.
As Jesus got up to go with Jairus, verse 20 tells us that a woman who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years came up from behind Jesus and touched the edge of His cloak. She was saying to herself, if only I touch His cloak I too will be healed. And again we see that Jesus turned to look at this woman and He told her, ”Take heart” or, it’s okay. Don’t be afraid, your faith has healed you. From that moment the woman was healed and her life was restored.
Sometimes we are tempted to give up on people or situations that have not changed for many years.
Remember, God can change what seems unchangeable, giving new purpose and hope.
Then Jesus arrived on the scene at Jairus’s house and found the mourners in full action. Jesus simply sent them away and reached out to the girl and raised her up. And the news of Jesus spread throughout that entire region.
In our lives, Christ can make a difference when it seems too late for anyone else to help. He can bring healing to broken relationships, release from addicting habits, and forgiveness and healing to emotional scars. So if your situation looks and feels hopeless, remember that Christ can do the impossible.
Only Jesus has the power to resurrect the dead things in our lives.
Terri Hamman
Faith & Fitness Coach