Lessons from Matthew 8: Demons
Immediately after the active demonstration of Jesus’s power over the storm, something far more terrible invaded their travels: demons and demon-possessed men (Matthew 8:28-34).
Power and Authority over Demons
We are told that these men and the demons that possessed them were extremely violent. They lived in the tombs or graveyards. One of them could not even be kept bound! As Mark told the story (Mark 5:1-20), the man broke through every chain on his hands and even the irons on his feet. We are told that no one could subdue or restrain him. Night and day he would cry out among the tombs and hills and he would even cut himself with stones.
When the men saw Jesus coming, they recognized Him as the Son of God. They shouted out and asked if He had come to torture them before the appointed time. In fact, in Mark 5:7 we are told that they begged Jesus not to torture them.
Jesus simply commanded the demons to come out of them.
He asked the demon what his name was and the demon responded, “Legion, for we are many!”Again the demon begged Jesus not to send them out of the area. Seeing a large herd of pigs nearby on the hillside, the demon begged Jesus to send them out into the pigs. Jesus honored the request and the demons came out and infiltrated (or took over) the herd of pigs.
When the demons entered the pigs, the pigs went wild and rushed down the steep bank into the lake where they were drowned. The very lake the disciples thought they were going to drown in was the lake the demons were sent into and where the pigs drowned!
What can we learn from this? Even the demons know who Jesus is!
In Scripture, they even called Him by His rightful name, the Son of God. They recognized His power and authority. That should teach us that it’s not enough to know Jesus with our mind. Though that is a start, we must embrace Him and His truths. We must understand His Word with our heart. And then we must follow His Word with our actions!
To say we are Christians is not enough. We must prove it by our deeds and live as Christ lived. Even though demons shudder at the thought of Jesus coming, they don’t stop their evil deeds in the meantime.
So we as Christians need to be on guard. We need to be mindful of the presence of God and His influence in our lives. We need not fear Satan or his cohorts, but we must not take their existence or influence lightly.
When those tending the pigs saw what happened they ran off, went into town, and reported all that had happened! But instead of being filled with joy or excitement or thanksgiving that these men had been set free, the people went out to Jesus and pleaded with Him to leave.
These people were more concerned with their livestock, and the money they lost as a result of their destruction, than the miraculous deliverance of these two men.
Many people today care more about their money, time, and plans than they do about God and the people and things of God.
These people often refuse what Jesus has to say about the value of people made in God’s image. They care for themselves and ignore the needs of others. They work late to further their careers but ignore their families and their needs. Promoting their ideas and beliefs, they disregard God’s ways.
But like the man who had been set free by Jesus and begged to go with Him, may we learn to go. To go and tell others how much God has done for us and how He has had mercy on us.
Jesus has the power and authority to transform the lives of those who heed His Word and delight in His presence.
What would you rather have more of: Jesus and His power and authority evident in your life or that He go and leave you alone?
Remember, Jesus has power over all things and all people.
Where is it in your life you need Jesus’s life-changing power? Who will you tell this week about Jesus and His goodness?
Terri Hamman
Faith & Fitness Coach