Lessons from Matthew 5: Divorce
In His next illustration, Jesus taught on another difficult aspect of the Christian’s relationship to the Law.
Jesus moved on to the matter of divorce by saying in verse 31-32:
“It has been said, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.’ But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.”
So Jesus stated that the only legitimate reason for a divorce given by God here in His Word is in the matter of marital unfaithfulness! Yet he doesn’t command divorce.
I myself am personally grateful for this. I know of many marriages that have been spared and restored due to God’s amazing work of forgiveness, grace, and mercy!
In verses 33-37 Jesus focused on the concept of keeping oaths. In that passage, Jesus basically said that the truth counts! Make your words stand true and don’t break your promises.
Marriage is an oath, or a vow or commitment, that was and is not to be broken.
Jesus said make your yes a yes and your no a no. It’s a matter of character and loyalty and truthfulness. Anything else comes from the evil one, for the devil is the father of lies!
Continuing on, in verse 38 Jesus taught that though they had heard, “Eye for eye and tooth for tooth,” Jesus’s way was not to resist the evil person but rather to turn the other cheek.
This means to not seek revenge or retaliation but instead to exercise forgiveness and mercy and extend love by helping others as they have need of it!