Lessons from Matthew 18: Like a Little Child
What did Jesus mean, become like a little child?
Jesus, after His statement about becoming like a child, went on to say in Matthew 18:4 that whoever takes a lowly position like the child is the greatest in the kingdom.
So we must ask ourselves, what is it that a child has that we don’t? What are some of the characteristics of a child?
Most children have complete faith and trust in their parents. They learn obedience, and are compliant for the most part with the parent and their desires. Children are needy and therefore need to be taken care of. They are reliant upon their parents to meet their needs, to fulfill their desires when appropriate. Children are innocent of wrong until the age of accountability, which is dependent upon the child and God.
A child is humble in heart. What does it mean to be humble in heart?
Jesus defines humility as a going down, not up! It’s a setting aside of rights or rules in order to place Him and others before yourself.
That makes me think of this acronym: JOY. True joy, true humility is placing Jesus first, others second and yourself last!
Seeking to humble ourselves before God and seek His will and not our own. Seeking to help others and meet their needs, trusting God to meet ours!
Humility is driven by a setting aside of ourselves that others might go up.
And again I must say our greatest example of humility, the greatest demonstration of this to mankind is found in Jesus Himself!
Let’s consider Philippians 2.
Jesus is our greatest example of what it means to be humble. He laid aside His rights as the Lord God and He took on flesh that He might become one of us. He suffered unjustly at the hands of men who refused to accept His claim as the Christ, though it was and still is true. And He willingly stepped onto the cross and took on the sins of the world.
He took your sins and mine that we (believers) might share in His life now and into eternity!
After hearing this, how can we do nothing more than go down on our knees and offer up our praise and thanksgiving? How can we not get up and willingly set aside our wants and desires and follow Him and serve others?
Believers whose lives are characterized by humility are great in God’s sight.
The disciples had become so preoccupied with the organization of Jesus’s earthly kingdom that they lost sight of its divine purpose. Instead of seeking a place of service they sought positions of advantage.
We too can lose our heavenly perspective and compete for positions of advantage instead of places of service.
Where is it that you need to lay yourself down, your earthly ideas and perspectives in order that Jesus may be lifted up? What is Jesus calling you to do for Him, in your home, workplace, maybe in your church? What is standing in the way?
Maybe you don’t know, but God does. Won’t you confess your weakness, your pride, and get on with God and His plan for your life?
Remember it is only as we go down that Christ is lifted up! May we go down in prayer and humility, seeking more of God in our homes, in our schools, in our workplaces, and in our churches and local communities!
Where is God calling you to serve and not be served?
Terri Hamman
Faith & Fitness Coach