Lessons from Matthew 12: Decisions
Well it appears that the Pharisees would not give up so they brought a blind man before Jesus, one who was possessed by demons and could not speak. Again, Jesus healed the man. And the people were amazed and asked if indeed Jesus was the Son of David, the Messiah (verse 23).
But the Pharisees instead claimed the opposite. They claimed that Jesus was Beelzebub, another name for the devil.
Jesus, knowing what was in their hearts and on their minds, responded logically by telling them that Satan would not drive out his own spirits. His plan was to fill people with all the demons he could. Only God could or would have reason to deliver a person from demon possession.
Then Jesus followed this up by stating that Satan would not want his kingdom robbed or divided against itself. And thus Jesus proved again His power and authority over Satan and his cohorts.
In verse 30 Jesus stated that those who were not for Him were certainly against Him and those who were against Jesus were also against God.
And this my dear friend is called blasphemy. Anyone who calls the work of God evil, as the Pharisees did, is like bad fruit, revealing their spoiled hearts. One day they and all others will be judged for their words and works.
Instead of repenting and believing in Jesus, the Pharisees wanted another sign (verse 38). Jesus rebuked them for He knew that they would not repent or they would have already done so.
They had been given enough proof already and one more sign was not going to make a difference.
They knew the word of God better than anyone else at that time and they still refused to believe in Jesus as God’s promised Son.
Jesus refused their request. Instead, He pointed them to Jonah who spent three days in the belly of a large fish. This should have been sufficient evidence to remind them of the judgment to come for those who refuse to obey God. It pointed to the fact that Jesus would die and be in a tomb for 3 days and nights before He would be resurrected.
In verse 46, while Jesus was speaking, his mother and brothers came and stood in the crowd waiting to speak with Him. Someone mentioned them but Jesus said in verse 50, “…whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
Those who truly believe and receive Jesus Christ become and belong to the family of God!
This leads us to the truth that those who have a face to face encounter with Jesus through His Word and works must make a decision.
And to not make a decision is to make a decision.
A face to face encounter with Jesus through His Word and works forces one to make a decision.
What decision have you made? Will you take Jesus at His Word? Will you follow where He leads in humble obedience or will you reject the truth and carry on your merry way and end up in a place of total devastation and eternal destruction?
Terri Hamman
Faith & Fitness Coach