Lessons from John 21: Unique Purposes in Life

When I was a young girl fishing meant two things, eating, and water skiing. You see every summer my family went up to San Louis Obispo to Lake Lopez with my aunt, uncle and two cousins and often times my grandmother. And early every morning as soon as they would let boats out on the lake our families were out there fishing. Some would stay behind and clean up the campsite and breakfast dishes, while others went out and fished.

Whoever went out fishing would fish until right before noon and then when they returned everybody either cleaned and cooked up the fish for lunch, leaving some leftover for dinner, while others cleaned up the boat preparing it for it’s next outing which was skiing.

Now, this was my favorite part! And I can honestly say, I learned a lot from these times spent together. But, probably one of the most important things I learned was how to work together as a team. And how when each person did their part, it lightened the load for everybody. And though there was work to be done, as each person completed their task individually, that as a whole it opened up time for us to have some fun together! Each person doing their part so that the family as a whole could enjoy our time and each other.

Well, today’s lesson also has to do with:

I Jesus way to Fish~~~John 21:1-14

II. Jesus invitation to Feed~~~John 21:15-17

III. Jesus command to Follow~~~John 21:18-25

Now there seems to be some difference of opinion as to when this last chapter of John was written. Some believe that this last chapter was added after John had completed writing chapter 20 and that its purpose was to show how John was called to succeed Peter after Peter’s death. If that is so, as tragic as Peter’s death was, John was a worthy successor to lead the church with apostolic authority. Yet, others suggest that chapter 21 was added in order that readers might see and know that Peter thought he had failed God, by his denial of Jesus, was indeed restored after the resurrection of Jesus and reinstated.

Whether John wrote these words at the same time or at a later date, and for whatever reason, we can rest assured that the Holy Spirit inspired John.

And I believe what God wants to teach us through this last chapter of John is that: Jesus works to accomplish His unique purposes in the life of each individual believer for His glory and others good!

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Terri Hamman

Faith & Fitness Coach


Lessons from John 21: Left Everything and Followed Jesus


Lessons from John 20: Peace Be With You