Lessons from John 19: Our Transgressions

Isaiah 53:3-5 tells us that He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we consider him stricken by God, smitten by him and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by His wounds we are healed.

So let me ask you: what are you suffering right now?

Maybe you suffering for the cause of Christ in your own family or work place. Maybe you have been alienated for your faith in Christ and you are suffering the loss of friendships!

Maybe you are suffering the loss of a loved one! Or maybe you or a loved one are suffering the ill effects of a disease! Maybe you suffering for a loved one who refuses to see that Christ is the answer to all their problems, or you feel like your marriage is about to crumble and fall apart, or could it be that you are suffering the loss of your job or the loss of a dream!

I don’t know what is causing your suffering, but God does!

I remember going through a trial in which my mother and brothers had falsely accused me of being a liar, cheat and thief. It was over a trust fund that my grandfather had entrusted to me for my mother’s care. It was named, “The Mary Jo Evans Testamentary Trust” As they continued to hurl their insults and threats at me, which they called “Fun-facts” and even hired a lawyer to try and prove my guilt. During this horrific event, the Lord showed me a couple of things. One was that as things began to escalate one day, the Spirit of God reminded me of the words of Stephen as he was being stoned to death and the words of Jesus, as He was being nailed to the cross. And those words were these, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” And I knew, I had to say these words out loud, which I chose to do! And then on another day as things continued to intensify I remember laying down on my bed and asking God, “Why did this have to hurt so much?”

And I remember, hearing the Spirit of God say to me, “But Terri. you have not suffered unto death.” No, I hadn’t but it sure hurt none the less, yet He knew it did! And then the last thing I share with you, though there were many more God moments was that God revealed to me one day that this was a “Test of Men Terri! The Mary Jo Evans Testamentary Trust was a test of men! My part was to remain silent and watch and pray! And so I did! My mother passed away last year without any reconciliation on our part, but through her death, God brought my brothers and sister and I together again! It was the Spirit of God that promised me one day that though my mom and I would not be reunited here on earth due to her pride and maybe also for my safety, we would be reunited in heaven in His presence and that is a promise I hold onto. As for my relationship with my brothers, it’s not where I would like it to be, God has clearly opened the door, which I continue to walk through every opportunity I get!

So what’s the point? The point is this! WE can be encouraged that none of us have suffered unto the point of death…though we may feel like there is no way out!

Jesus wanted to be fully alert for His work on the cross: alert to pray for His tormentors, able to respond to the dying thief on the cross next to Him and able to comfort His family and friends and at just the right time He would willingly and obediently give up His Spirit to the Father in remission of the sins of the people of the world for all time.

Which brings me to my second division: Christ’s concern for others.

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Terri Hamman

Faith & Fitness Coach


Lessons from John 19: Christ’s Concern for Others


Lessons from John 19: The King of Jews