Lessons from John 18: Who Do You Believe Jesus Is?

So, it’s a question that everyone at one time or another has to wrestle with, the question, “Who do you believe Jesus is?” And the outcome of that decision determines the eternal destiny of that person. Like Pilate, you too must decide for yourself! There is no middle ground; there is no in-between! You are either for Him or against Him. You either take Him at His words and live accordingly or you deny His existence and determine your destiny! It doesn’t get any clearer than that!

You see, Pilate thought that it was the Jews who had handed Jesus over to him. When the truth of the matter was that it was God Himself who had planned and orchestrated this face to face meeting. Jesus lovingly and mercifully came to Pilate in person! And now Pilate though not a Jew, but rather a Gentile had to wrestle with the question, Who is this man named Jesus, who claims to be the Christ, the King, the Messiah?

It was as if Jesus was saying to Pilate and us, which side do you belong too! Will you receive the truth or believe the lie. Are you for Me or against there is no middle ground? There is no in-between, truth be known we are either for Him and thus take Him at his words and live as if that were so…or we are against Him and thus prove it by living our lives as if He doesn’t exist. The choice is ours! Yet we are accountable before God for the decision!

We learn in verse 36 that Jesus responds to Pilate’s question by stating the truth and thus revealing more of Himself to Pilate. Jesus says, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

And Pilate responds by restating Jesus truth, “You are a king then?” And Jesus says, “You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason, I came into this world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

Jesus’ answer was aimed right at the heart and mind of Pilate. Jesus had clearly stated His purpose, “for this reason I was born” linking Jesus to all humanity… “for this I came into the world” referring to His preexistence and incarnation… “to testify to the truth” Jesus was the embodiment of truth and though Pilate would not accept Jesus or the truth of His words for himself. Pilate’s very conscience testified to him of it. So whether Pilate would admit it or not, Jesus had clearly testified and affirmed His authority and presented Pilate with a choice, a choice that would seal the fate of Pilate for all eternity.

And if Pilate had truly been sincere in his questions, he would have listened to the answers Jesus gave and received the light of truth he had been given, and he would have been awakened to the truth as it came forth from Jesus own lips.

Yet, many like Pilate have received God’s words and have seen His works, and yet they still choose to deny Christ and His Deity!

Pilate responds to the truth of Jesus, like most who respond today, by asking, “What is the truth?” One of the biggest deceptions or lies of Satan is that all truth is relative. Meaning that truth is whatever the majority decides. This is a deception of the devil. A deception that leads many people astray, including government officials, to buy into the lie that truth is whatever the majority of people agree. Truth becomes whatever will help advance people’s personal power, political goals, or agenda. And justice becomes whatever works or whatever helps those in power.

What we do know and can learn from this is that when there is no basis for truth, or no moral compass, such as God’s Word, there is no basis for moral right or wrong.

So let me ask you are you convinced of the truth, or are you like Pilate, trying to avoid it? Don’t be fooled into believing that all truth is relative and that not making a decision leaves you without responsibility. Because even like Pilate who tried to wash his hands, he still had a responsibility and was accountable to God for the light of truth he had been given. Yet, he still chose to reject that truth not because it wasn’t the truth, It was clearly the truth, but Pilate chose the temporary applause of men rather than the gift of God through Jesus Christ, the giver of eternal life.

The real question facing Pilate that Friday morning more than 2000 years ago was would he lay down his pride and his fears and receive the person of Jesus Christ as his own personal king risking his position, power, and political career? Or would he give in to the demands of the Jews and a condemn a man that he was quite sure was innocent?

And really that is the question that faces all of mankind at one time or another, Is Jesus really who he says he is, or is he guilty of blasphemy?

Acts 3:12 tells us that, Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” And that is the name above all names, and it is found only in the person of Jesus Christ, God’s own Son! That is the truth!

And like Pilate, God Himself has said, “There is no basis for the charges against Him.” Yet, Jesus chose to die that we might be free of sin and the guilt of sin. For it is by His blood we have been set free.

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Terri Hamman

Faith & Fitness Coach


Lessons from John 18: The Son Sets You Free


Lessons from John 19: The Truth of Jesus Deity