Lessons from John 18: God in the Flesh
And though these men came looking for another “man” what they found in Jesus was so much more. This was the man, Jesus of Nazareth, yet along with that name came so much more. So much more meaning and so much more power and authority! God in the flesh!
And as Jesus, Himself breathed out His own name, the power behind that name caused these men who will one day fall forward on their knees in divine recognition of who He is, to fall back onto the ground in an awesome display of Jesus and His divine power.
And again Jesus asks in verse 7, “Who is it you want?” and again they replied “Jesus of Nazareth.” To which Jesus again declared and had demonstrated Himself to be, but this time He also adds, “If you are looking for me, then let these men go.” Clearly, Jesus was more concerned with the well being of His disciples than He was for Himself and John reminds us in verse 9, “This happened so that the words Jesus had spoken would be fulfilled.”
This was in reference to the promise Jesus made to His Father in John 17:12 that, while Jesus was with them, He had protected them and kept them safe by the name that God the Father had given Him. And because of Jesus and the power and authority of His name, not one had been lost, not one except for Judas, who had already been doomed for destruction, in order that the holy scripture might be fulfilled.
And it was then that the men stepped forward to arrest Jesus and Peter steps onto the scene and boldly and swiftly cuts off the ear of a man named Malchus, who Mark tells us was a servant of the high priest, which at that time was Caiaphas. And though we don’t know for sure why Peter struck the man’s ear.
The question has been raised was Peter aiming to cut off the man’s head and missed his mark! We don’t know, but what we do know is that as bold and as brave as Peter’s actions were, they were inappropriate. Peter acted out in his own strength and under his own initiative. For which, Jesus then turns to Peter and commands him to put away his sword and tells Peter and the rest that were standing there that those who draw the sword will die by the sword.
In Matthew 25:53 Jesus discloses that if He really needed help, He could have called on His Father, who would have at once, put at Jesus disposal more than twelve legions of angels! But, if He did that, how would the Scriptures be fulfilled? Since this had been the plan all along and therefore Jesus must fulfill His purpose on earth and that was to die as a man by way of the cross that He indeed might bear the sins of the world in order to set free or deliver those who would or will place their faith in Him! Jesus, the name above all names.
Which leads us to this truth for this section: Nothing and no one could stop Jesus from fulfilling His Father’s purpose while here on earth.
Jesus chose to die so that you and I might live! He willingly gave up His life in obedience to His Father’s will!
The question is, have you received His free gift of salvation through the cross and calvary? And if so have you thanked Jesus for dying in your place? And how are you living today in order to fulfill your God-given purpose while you live on this earth! You say I don’t know my purpose?
In Matthew 28:18 Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. (This was the result of His obedience to do His Father’s will) Therefore in verse 19 Jesus says, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And then Jesus ends with a promise, “And surely, “I AM” with you always to the end of the very age.
You see, we have all been called or commissioned or commanded to take the truth of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and teach and train up others in it! That’s our purpose! That’s God’s desire! The question is how are you fulfilling this calling, commission or command in your daily life? Who is it that God is asking you to evangelize or mentor? Won’t you get up and get on with what He desires for you to do! Trust me you will not only be happy that you did, but you will also be blessed beyond what you could think or imagine!
Terri Hamman
Faith & Fitness Coach