Lessons from John 16: The Spirit of Truth
In this next section, we read that Jesus said to His disciples that He had so much more to say to them. It was evident by their current state of grief that it would be more than they could bear at that time. Were they ready for the spirit of truth?
But when the time was right, Jesus promised that the Spirit of Truth would come and lead them into greater understanding. He would lead them in truth and impart to them right thinking and the ability to live out God’s Word.
Then Jesus told the disciples that when the Spirit speaks, He will not speak on His own.
In the spirit of truth, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are so intertwined that though they are different in personalities and distinct in their roles, all three work together in one purpose with one plan.
Therefore, they never lie or contradict one another. They work together in harmony, or what is referred to in the Bible as in one accord. They are united with one another, pleasing one another, and furthering their common purpose and plan in the lives of the believers.
Jesus also told the disciples (in the second half of verse 13) that once He was gone, the Holy Spirit would enlighten, teach, or inform them of things yet to come. Meaning that the Holy Spirit, when He came, would disclose a deeper meaning of the Scriptures than Jesus was able to convey. This was because of the disciples’ inability apart from the person of the Holy Spirit to discern things on their own. He would even warn them of some of the opposition they would face. And he would also reveal to them some of the final outcomes of their efforts.
And although equal with the Son and the Father, the Holy Spirit does not glorify Himself. But rather, He causes Jesus to be known, loved, obeyed, and worshipped.
And He does this by taking the words of Jesus and making them come alive to us. He causes people to believe in Jesus’ words and then to know how it applies to our lives.
1 Corinthians 12:3 tells us that the Holy Spirit makes Christ’s words living and meaningful. He enables believers to say confidently and truthfully that, “Jesus is Lord.” And He does this as we study His Word and apply it to our lives.
Therefore, we as believers need to study the Word of God to fully discover the spirit of truth. We need it in order to see Jesus as He is. We need it in order to get to know Him better. That we might live to glorify Him with our lives.
It was the Holy Spirit who revealed these truths to the disciples. He revealed them after Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension. And then He enabled them to write down these words for us today!
Therefore we too can be assured as we witness in this hostile world, that the Spirit uses the Word He has taught us, as we share Jesus Christ with the lost sinners of this world. We must remember that while it is our job to witness; it is the Holy Spirit’s job to convict.
The Spirit of Truth enlightens and empowers believers to know, love, obey, worship, and glorify Jesus.
Terri Hamman
Faith & Fitness Coach