Lessons from John 10: Life in Christ

James Montgomery Boice tells the story of how a woman who was not a Christian even though she had been raised in a religious home and had heard about Jesus and the cross. But she did not understand them and therefore had never actually trusted in Jesus Christ.

As this woman sat in the pew under the teaching of Pastor Donald Grey Barnhouse, she heard these words, “Imagine that the cross has a door in it. All you are asked to do is go through. On one side, the side facing you, there is written an invitation: ‘Whosoever will, may come.’

“You stand there with your sin upon you and you wonder if you should enter or not. Finally, you do, and as you do the burden of your sin drops away. You are safe and free. Joyfully you then turn around and see written on the backside of the cross, through which you have now entered, the words, ‘Chosen in Him before the foundations of the world.’

Barnhouse then invited those who were listening to enter and the woman later said that this was the first time she had ever understood what it meant to be a Christian and that in understanding it she believed. She believed right there–in that church.

She entered through the door, receiving Jesus as her Lord and Savior.

Let me ask you, have you entered into God’s family through the gateway of faith and belief in Jesus Christ?

Maybe you’re not sure how to go about this.

Please, if this is you, ask me, a friend, or Bible study leader. Then sit down in a quiet place with your Bible and simply ask God to reveal Himself to you through the scriptures.

I believe if you are seriously seeking Him, He will be found by you.

And for those who have entered God’s family through God’s prescribed way, found only in Jesus Christ, are you listening to His voice by reading His Word?

Then are you following the leading of His Holy Spirit? And if not, why not?

Jesus is the gate to God’s salvation for us. In contrast to the thief who takes life, Jesus gives life. And the life Jesus gives is for now; it is immediate and eternal. Life in Christ is richer and fuller and more abundantly better than you could ever think or imagine. Life in Christ is lived on a higher plane because of His overflowing forgiveness, love, and guidance.

The question is, have you taken Christ’s offer of life through the sacrifice of His soul cleansing blood? In order to accept Christ, you must believe in and accept His sacrificial death on the cross for the remission of your sins.

I pray that you, like the hymn says, will “trust and obey, for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.”

Salvation is found only in Jesus Christ. Those who place their faith in Jesus walk in the light of His truth and live full and eternally secure lives.

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Terri Hamman

Faith & Fitness Coach


Lessons from John 10: I Am the Good Shepherd


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