Lessons from John 10 : Jesus’ Stoning

In John 10:30, Jesus alluded to the unspoken question of the Jewish leaders. How can you make such a statement? Jesus simply said He could because He and the Father are one.

And verse 31 tells us that the Jews picked up stones in order to stone Jesus to death.

But Jesus, confidently looking at them, asked, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?” At which these so-called religious leaders responded (verse 33), “We are not stoning you for any good work, but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”

And in verses 34-35 Jesus pointed them back to the Word of God. He asked them, “What about the one whom the Father set apart as His very own and sent into the world?” Then in verse 36, He asked them, “Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’?”

And then Jesus lovingly tried to reason with them. If they did not believe Jesus’ words, at least take a serious look at His works and see if they don’t speak for themselves of who Jesus really is!

But they refused to listen to Jesus and take Him at His Word or even at His works. And again they tried to seize Him. Jesus again escaped their grasp, for again it was not His time. When the time was right, Jesus would willingly give up His life into their hands. But for now, He still had work to do.

And so verse 40 tells us that Jesus went back across the Jordan to the place where John had been baptizing in the early days. This tells us that Jesus’ ministry was drawing closer to its end. There He stayed, and many people came to Him. The people confessed, “Though John never performed a sign, all that John said about this man was true.” Because of their belief and confession of faith, many souls were won for Christ in that place.

Jesus is God’s Son who saves His people forever.

Maybe up until this time you too have not believed in Jesus as the unique Son of God. Maybe today, for the first time, you have heard the Good Shepherd calling your name and whispering His truths in your heart.

Then it is with great joy and pleasure that I say to you: “Believe.” Put your full trust and faith in the one and only true Shepherd, Jesus Christ! He is the only way to God the Father. And I can promise you, you will never be the same again.

And may you, like many others before you, claim the promises that He holds out to all who believe by faith. Remember that your new life begins here, now, and it will last all the way into eternity!

That is why it is called the Good News of the Gospel!

And being that it is good news, we as believers have a responsibility to take that good news and spread it everywhere we go. We are to become the aroma of Christ, taking on His nature and characteristics.

Who is He calling you to be a shepherd to? Won’t you be about your Father’s business and further His kingdom by confessing your faith to someone this week?

John makes it clear that Jesus is not just a man; He is the eternal Son of God. Because Jesus is God’s Son, we can trust Him perfectly with all that He says. By trusting Jesus to be our Good Shepherd we find comfort, joy, and true fulfillment in this life and also in eternity.

How far have you followed Him?

You see, the more you know and love Him the more willing you are to do that which He asks you to do!

Could it be that you really only love Him in word and not deeds? Or could it be that you think your deeds are good enough and you don’t take Him at His word and live the life He has called you to? Both are very grave! It is only when you take Him at His Word, believe, and obey that you truly know and experience the joy of Jesus as the Good and perfect Shepherd.

He is everything and more than He is said to be. His words and works prove it. And yet still today some will believe and others will not!

Have you made your choice to follow Jesus and go where He leads? How far have you followed Jesus? Has He moved on while you stand still, increasing the distance between you and Him?

Don’t get out of step with God and His Holy Spirit. Stay tuned in to His Word, listen, and then obey. It’s truly the only way to be happy in Jesus! Friends, we must trust and obey!

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Terri Hamman

Faith & Fitness Coach


Lessons from John 11: Do You Believe?


I Am the Son of God