Lessons from 1 John: Are you a Christian?
Let me ask, have you ever asked yourself the question or been asked by another, “How can I be sure that I am a Christian? And how can I be sure that not only I am saved, but also that I will gain eternal life once this life is over?”
In other words, how can we be sure that we are truly saved both now and for eternity?
Are you a Christian?
John answers these questions here in the book of 1 John.
In fact, John gives us the purpose of his writing in 1 John 5:13 where he clearly states, “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you might know that you have eternal life.”
The keyword here is, “know.” In fact, John uses the word “know” 40 times in these 105 verses of I John 1-5.
And the reason John was so emphatic that the people of God know that they are not only saved now, but for eternity, was that there were false teachers who were trying to lead the people of God astray with their false ideology.
Yet, John refutes or dispels their false teachings in three distinct ways.
First, John states that a true follower of Jesus Christ walks in the light of God’s Word by believing in His Son, Jesus Christ. (1 John 1:1-2:2)
Second, John teaches that the proof of that belief will be demonstrated in the life of a believer as he or she walks in the light of love. The love that Jesus not only demonstrated Himself, but also commands of those who claim to be His followers. (1 John 2:3-5:9)
Third, John closes his writing in 1 John 5:11-21 by stating that not only is a believer’s life lived in light of God’s truth, and exemplified by His character, but it will also result in the promise of eternal life.
And so, for the purpose of the next few lessons, we will cover these three divisions:
Christians are to walk in the light of God’s truth. 1 John 1:1-2:2
Christians are to walk in Christ’s light of love. 1 John 2:2-5:12
Christians are destined for eternity. 1 John 5:13-21
Terri Hamman
Faith & Fitness Coach