Lesson from John 4: Transformed by Jesus

Jesus promised the woman that if she accepted His free gift and repented of her sin He would cause a well to spring up within her. A spring of life, eternal life, free life, and a joyous life.

Have you received Jesus as the living water through the Word of His testimony? If not, why not? And if so, when was the last time you went out of your way to tell someone of the satisfaction that can only be found in Jesus? What cultural, physical, psychological or spiritual barrier do you need His help to cross?

Living Testimony – John 4:27-30

At that moment, the disciples returned and were more than surprised to find Jesus talking with the Samaritan woman (especially since they very well could have scorned her as they passed her on their way into town for food as she was on her way to the well for water).

But what happened next is a great example of what should be evident in every believer’s life.

The woman couldn’t wait to go and tell others about Jesus. She was so excited and filled with so much joy at the gift of her new life through Jesus that she forgot what she had come for. Instead, she focused on what she had received, the gift of life, welling up to eternity.

And she didn’t let anyone, not even the disciples and their concerns, get in her way of going to tell the others in her town about who had just transformed her life. In fact, she was so filled with true satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment that she left her water jar behind!

These same people who had condemned her, mocked her, gossiped about her, shunned her, ignored her, ridiculed her, and considered her unclean, she returned to and invited them to “come and see.” She wanted them to meet Jesus, the man who knew everything about her and yet offered her new life, a satisfied life, an eternal life.

And as a result of her witness, others came to know Jesus too.

A life transformed by Jesus cannot be contained.

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Terri Hamman

Faith & Fitness Coach


Lessons from John 4: Trust in the Lord


Lessons from John 4: Eternal Life